Monday, September 26, 2016

A long day at work

Coming home from a stressful day at work makes me dream of the day when I can just spend all my time writing. That's my dream retirement. Someday when I'm old and gray, I could write two or three novels a year!

On a more serious note however, life right now is super stressful. I feel like everywhere I turn, there's another deadline approaching. At work I feel like I'm constantly running two weeks behind schedule. At school I'm constantly meeting assignment deadlines within only a few hours of the midnight deadlines. At home we are constantly on the run, trying to turn our new Townhome into a home. As a reviewer, I can never find enough time to read books I've purchased on my Kindle with the ultimate intent to post a review. As an Author, I feel obligated to get my website up and fully operational, my Tweets and Posts running on a frequent basis, and then there's writing book 2 in my series...

Somewhere life needs to slow down. I'm just not sure where. I'm only 24 credits away from obtaining my Bachelor’s, so I feel obligated to complete it. My family life is extremely important to me, and I feel like my family desperately needs a vacation. My writing is my only avenue of escape from the real world, so I can't stop.

What should I do??